Overhead Transmission Lines Problems and Maintenance

Overhead Transmission Lines Problems and Maintenance – Transmission line towers constitute about 28 to 42 percent of the cost of the transmission line. The increasing demand for electrical energy can be met more economically by developing different light-weight configurations of transmission line towers.

Foundation of any structure plays an important role in safety and satisfactory performance of the structure as it transmits mechanical loads of the electrical transmission system to earth. A transmission structure without having a sound and safe foundation, it cannot perform the functions for which it has been designed. The foundations in various types of soils have to be designed to suit the soil conditions of particular type.

In addition to foundations of normal towers, there are situations where considering techno-economical aspect for special towers required or river crossing which may be located either on the bank of the river or in the mind stream or both, pile foundation may be provided.




  1. Power System Overview
  2. Electric-power transmission
  3. Overhead Line Foundations and Specification
  4. Overview Of Overhead Transmission and Distribution Line Network
  5. Overhead Lines versus Underground Cable
  6. Substation Types
  7. Susbtation Function

Overhead Transmission Lines Theory and Design

  1. Overhead Lines resistance, indutance and stray capacitance
  2. Electrical and Mechanical design of Overhead Transmission Line
  3. Classification of Overhead power transmission lines by operating voltage
  4. Bundle conductors and Skin effect
  5. Ground wires
  6. Single and double circuit lines
  7. Corona theory, corona effects on transmission lines and methods to reduce corona effects
  8. Choice of transmission voltage
  9. Conductor and earth wire spacing and clearances
  10. Size of lugs
  11. Conductor sizea
  12. Arcing horns
  13. Illustrating two voltage level circuits on the sampe pole

Materials of Overhead Conductors

  1. Alumunium conductor steel-reinforced transmission lines (ACSR)
  2. The difference between ACSR, AAC and AAAC Conductors
  3. Insulators of overhead transmission lines (Disc type, Long rod type, Pin type and post type)
  4. Conductor Arrangements for Differen ACSR Combinations
  5. Comparison of aluminium and copper power cables for use in industrial installations
  6. Vibration and corrosion
  7. Environmental effects

Overhead Transmission Line Insulators

  1. Overhead line insulators types and material
  2. Other relevant standards
  3. Testing of O.H.T.L insulators according to IEC and B.S
  4. Condition monitoring of overhead transmission lines insulators
  5. Trouble shooting and maintenance of overhead transmission line insulators
  6. Grading requirements and string effiency
  7. Handling requirements
  8. Vandalism
  9. Construction of a polymer insulators for overhead lines
  10. Pollution measurements of HVTL insulators

Poles and Towers of Overhead Transmission Lines

  1. Support Structures
  2. Types of Supports
  3. Steel lattice Towers
  4. Wooden Poles
  5. Towers
  6. Maximum sag and tension with supports
  7. Static VAR Sources (SVS)
  8. Transposition towers and tension towers

Maintenance of Overhead Transmission Lines

  1. Tools & Equipment used in Maintennace of Overhead Line and explain its step by step procedure
  2. Live in insulator washing procedures for MV and HV power lines
  3. Troubleshoot the overhead lines and know how to narrow down the possible causes or locations problems
  4. Maintenance of distribution overhead line
  5. Regularly scheduled inspection, testing and servicing of equipment
  6. Fault Repairs
  7. Live line insulator washing
  8. Insulators replacement
  9. Live-line working is the maintenance of HVTLS

Overhead Transmission Line Safety

  1. Basic procedures for safety during maintenance
  2. Personal protective equipment
  3. Temporary grounding connection
  4. Tower grounding and measurement of earth resistance
  5. Use of area under overhead power lines



Miftahul Huda S.T, M.Eng and Team



Kegiatan pelatihan dirancang agar peserta dapat memahami secara komprehensif materi yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat dimplementasikan secara aplikatif dalam dunia kerja. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah:

  1. Presentation
  2. Discuss
  3. Case Study
  4. Evaluation



Engineers and Technicians from Electrical Power distribution Utilities Companies, supervisors and site engineers of the contractors of infrastructure design and installation of power cables distributors. Utility executives, managers, and engineers with responsibility for transmission, distribution, and substation design; construction; and operations and maintenance are invited. Manufacturers / vendors who provide to the electric utility industry are invited to attend and exhibit.



  1. Training Hand Out
  2. Digital Material
  3. Certificate
  4. Exclusive Souvenir
  5. Qualified Bag
  6. Training Photo
  7. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  8. Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
  9. Qualified Instructor


Jadwal Pelatihan 2024

2 - 4 Jan5 - 7 Mar1 - 3 Mei2 - 4 Jul5 - 7 Sept5 - 6 Nov
9 - 11 Jan12 - 14Mar7 - 9 Mei9 - 11 Jul12 - 14 Sept12 - 13 Nov
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27 - 29 Feb25 - 27 Jun29 - 31 Agst29 - 30 Okt

Waktu dan tempat:

Pukul 08.30 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel Berbintang di Yogyakarta

Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Jogja, Lombok, Malang, Makassar and Batam

In House Training Depend on request




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