Administrasi Perkantoran |  |
Administrasi Perkantoran Modern |  |
Administration and Electronic Filling System |  |
Advanced Effective Mass Communication |  |
Analisis Beban Kerja |  |
Analisis Tingkat Absensi dan Stres Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai |  |
Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving |  |
Audit Sumber Daya Manusia: Desain dan Implementasi |  |
Basic Leadership and Managing People |  |
Basic Supervisory |  |
Behavioral Event Interview |  |
Best Practices for Personnel Assistants & HR Staff |  |
Brainware Management |  |
Branch Management Strategy |  |
Build and Effective Corporate Culture |  |
Building Effective and Interactive Facilitating Skills |  |
Business Development and Innovations |  |
Business Presentation & Negotiation Skill |  |
Bussiness Communication and Negotiation Skill |  |
Bussiness Presentation Skill |  |
Bussiness Writing Skill for Secretary |  |
Career Development Program |  |
Career Management |  |
Change Management |  |
Community Development: Concept, Design and Implementation |  |
Competency Based on Human Resource Management |  |
Conflict and Handling Difficult People |  |
Conflict Management |  |
Conflict Management and Decision Making |  |
Corporate Secretary |  |
Coaching Counseling Skill |  |
Coaching and Counseling Skill for Supervisors and Managers |  |
Creative Leadership |  |
Creative Leadership For Team Building |  |
Customer Service Excellent |  |
Customer Service for Security |  |
Designing Effective Internal Communications Program |  |
Effective Leadership for Supervisors |  |
Effective Marketing Communication |  |
Effective PR Advocacy |  |
Effective Purchasing Management And Negotiation |  |
Emotional Spiritual Quotient |  |
Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) |  |
Essential Skill for Secretary and Administration Profesional |  |
Etiquette & Personal Image for Professionals |  |
Event Organizer: Peningkatan Kompetensi EO Perusahaan |  |
Excellent Customer Service |  |
Excellent HR for Non HR |  |
Excellent Public Relation and Media Relationship |  |
Executive Secreatary |  |
File Management and Data Base System |  |
GRC, Governance, Risk and Compliance |  |
Handling Customer Complaint (Penanganan Komplain Pelanggan) |  |
Holistic Leadership |  |
Human Resource Audit |  |
Human Resource Officer Program |  |
Human Resources Planning |  |
Humas dan Marketing Rumah Sakit |  |
Implementation of Electronic Filing and Document Management System |  |
Improve Your Selling Skills |  |
Improving Your Equipment Through TPM and OEE |  |
Improving Your Managerial Effectiveness |  |
Job Analysis and Evaluation |  |
Job Evaluations |  |
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) With Balanced Scorecard |  |
Leadership for Quality Management |  |
Leadership Skills: Building Success Through Teamwork |  |
Lobbying and Negotiation Skill for Manager |  |
Making the Transition to Management |  |
Management for Professional Secretary |  |
Management Skill for the New Manager |  |
Managerial Skill and Leader for Secretary Administrator |  |
Managing Effective Training Program |  |
Manajemen Penulisan Proposal dan Laporan Proyek |  |
Manajemen Stress |  |
Mastering Balance Scorecard and KPI for Manufacturing Industry |  |
MC and Protokoler |  |
Mengukur Efektivitas Program Promosi |  |
Merger dan Akuisisi |  |
Motivasi Diri dan Motivasi Kerja |  |
Negotiation Skill & Effective Communication |  |
Pelayanan Prima |  |
Pemahaman Terhadap Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT) |  |
Pembenahan Organisasi dan Pengelolaan SDM |  |
Pengelolaan Corporate Social Responsibility Secara Efektif |  |
Pengembangan Kepribadian Sekretaris |  |
Penilaian Kinerja dan Karir |  |
Peningkatan Kompetensi Master Ceremonial (MC) dan Protokoler |  |
Penulisan Annual Report Berbasis Annual Report Award |  |
Peran HR Dalam Mermbangun Budaya Pelayanan |  |
Performance Management & Measurement |  |
People Performance Management |  |
PR dan Komunikasi Bisnis |  |
Problem Solving & Decision Making |  |
Professional Call Centre |  |
Professionall & Effective Secretary Management |  |
Public Relation for Profesional |  |
Report Writing Skill |  |
Return Of Training Investment |  |
Secretary Administration Skill |  |
Security Management Program |  |
Security Management System |  |
Security Supervisory Skill |  |
Self Improvement |  |
Self Motivation Skill |  |
Service Excellent for Front liner |  |
Sistem Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Manajemen |  |
Speaking and Writing Basic Skills Training for PR Executives |  |
Strategi Efektif Dalam Promosi |  |
Tampil Menarik Secara Intelektual |  |
Training Evaluation |  |
Training Need Analysis |  |
Travel Business Management |  |
Work Planning Controlling |  |
Writing Skill untuk Penulisan Temuan Resiko dan Mitigasi |  |
Analisis Jabatan dan Evaluasi Jabatan |  |
Analisis Jabatan dan Manajemen Kompetensi |  |
Business Writing |  |
Competency Based HRM |  |
Strategic E-Learning |  |
General Affairs |  |
Global Human Resources Competencies |  |
Human Resources Management |  |
Pelatihan Kepemimpinan |  |
Pembekalan Kewirausahaan |  |
Managing Business for Psychologist |  |
Pelatihan How to Manage Performance |  |
Pelatihan Managing Underperformance |  |
Revolusi Mental |  |
Pelatihan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) |  |
Analisis Kebutuhan Pelatihan |  |
Pelatihan Asesment for Creating Best Talent |  |
Pelatihan Increasing Employee Engagement |  |
Pelatihan Manajemen Organisasi |  |
Core Values : Timeless Guiding Principles |  |
Pelatihan KPI and Excellence Performance-Based Management Contract of Malcom Baldrige |  |
Pelatihan Manpower Planning |  |
Pelatihan Workload Analysis |  |
Pelatihan World Class Compensation Management |  |
Training for Trainer |  |
How to Handling Trouble Maker Employee |  |
World Class Talent Management |  |
World Class Training Management System |  |
Sistem Manajemen Kinerja |  |
Training and Development Management Program |  |
World Class's Human Resources Management Program |  |
Managing Global Business for Psychologist |  |
Pelatihan Manajemen Konflik |  |
Pelatihan Compliance Management |  |
Performance Appraisal Berbasis KPI |  |