Contract Drafting & Review Business Contract – Sebagian besar permasalahan bisnis di lapangan ternyata disebabkan oleh kurangnya pemahaman para pelaku bisnis akan arti penting sebuah kontrak dan bagaimana menyusunnya secara benar. Padahal kontrak merupakan dasar yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam aktivitas bisnis tersebut. Bahkan tidak jarang pula, kontrak dibuat asal jadi, atau hasil mengkopi dari sana-sini, tanpa memandang relevansinya dengan kepentingan bisnis yang ingin dijalani. Akibatnya, ketika terjadi permasalahan di kemudian hari, kontrak yang seharusnya bisa menjadi rujukan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa, justru malah menyebabkan timbulnya kerugian-kerugian yang sebenarnya bisa dihindari apabila pelaku bisnis memposisikan kontrak elemen krusial dalam menjalankan kerjasama bisnis. Selain membekali para peserta dengan langkah-langkah penyusunan kontrak secara benar, workshop ini juga akan mengasah kemampuan peserta dalam melakukan negosiasi. Hal ini karena kemampuan melakukan negosiasi sebelum merumuskan dalam bentuk klausul, merupakan ruh dari penyusunan kontrak.
- Introductory to Contract
- Terminology of Contract
- Definition in contract drafting (contract in universal perspectives)
- Memorandum of understanding (MoU), Letter of Intend (LoI), Letter of Comfort (LoC), Minutes vs Agreement
- Formation to Contract
- Format (certain & uncertain model)
- Written contact (administration & evidence) & (by law or by parties)
- Contract made by Notary Public (PPAT)
- Contract (endorsed/approved by related government agency)
- Subject to contract (personal, legal entily, organization, partnership)
- Object to contract
- Requirement to Contract
- Consensus by the parties (offering & acceptance, the consensus without durres, mistake of froud)
- Capacity of parties (minor person(under 21 years old, person under official trust custody, prohibited by relevant law)
- Definity/specific subject matters
- Admissible couse (kausa halal)
- Formalities, procedure registering & permormance (pacta sunt sevanda)
- Breach of contract (Defaoult)
- Condition constitute default?
- Failure to performed contract (remidies, compensation, damages, force majeur =failure)
- Termination of contract : (performance, payment, certified tender, compentation (set-off), merger (confusion), release, destruction of subject matters, occurrence of conceling condition, exceeding statute of limitation.
- Legal Action & Enforcement in Contract Dispute Settlement
- Court settlement (last resort)
- Execution by court adjudication for security transaction
- Mortgage (immovable property)
- Fiduciary security (movable property)
- Deed of acknowledgement of indebtness/grosse akta pengakuan utang
- Commercial court (bankruptcy petition)
- Mediation, arbitration, annexed court mediation
- Drafting Contract Tehnique Arranging to Contract
- Title of contract
- Date, time, day, place the contract signed
- The parties: contained the information; name (person, entities, authorized representative) ddres, legal domicilie, legal competences in signing agreement.
- Background: commonly used with title of ‘witnesseth’, ‘recital’, background.
- Definitation: contained technical terminology interpretative
- Main object agreed by the parties
- Right & obligation
- Representation & warranties
- Covenant (affirmative & negative covenant)
- Event default
- Remedies
- Governing law & jurisdiction
- Choice of law
- Choice of jurisdiction
- Dispute settlement
- Force majeur
- Amendment & modification
- Notice & correspondence
DR. Leli Joko Suryono, SH., M.Hum
Kegiatan pelatihan dirancang agar peserta dapat memahami secara komprehensif materi yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat dimplementasikan secara aplikatif dalam dunia kerja. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah:
- Presentation
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Training Hand Out
- Digital Material
- Certificate
- Exclusive Souvenir
- Qualified Bag
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
- Qualified Instructor
Jadwal Pelatihan 2025
3 - 5 Jan | 4 - 6 Mar | 6 - 8 Mei | 1 - 3 Jul | 2 - 4 Sept | 4 - 6 Nov |
8 - 10 Jan | 11 - 13 Mar | 13 - 15 Mei | 8 - 10 Jul | 9 - 11 Sept | 11 - 13 Nov |
14 - 16 Jan | 18 - 20 Mar | 20 - 22 Mei | 15 - 17 Jul | 16 - 18 Sept | 18 - 20 Nov |
21 - 23 Jan | 25 - 27 Mar | 27 - 29 Mei | 22 - 24 Jul | 23 - 25 Sept | 25 - 27 Nov |
28 - 30 Jan | 1 - 3 Apr | 3 - 5 Jun | 29 - 31 Jul | 30 Sept - 2 Okt | 2 - 4 Des |
4 - 6 Feb | 16 - 18 Apr | 10 - 12 Jun | 5 - 7 Agst | 7 - 9 Okt | 9 - 11 Des |
11 - 13 Feb | 23 - 25 Apr | 17 - 19 Jun | 12 - 14 Agst | 14 - 16 Okt | 16 - 18 Des |
18 - 20 Feb | 24 - 26 Jun | 19 - 21 Agst | 21 - 23 Okt | 23 - 25 Des | |
25 - 27 Feb | 26 - 28 Agst | 28 - 30 Okt | |||
Waktu dan tempat:
Pukul 08.30 – 16.00 WIB
Hotel Berbintang di Yogyakarta
Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Jogja, Lombok, Malang, Makassar and Batam
In House Training Depend on request
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